We are a partnership of people and organisations who are inspired and guided by the principles and pedagogy of Friedrich Froebel.

A monthly newsletter providing information about what the partnership has been doing, as well as useful information for those interested in finding out what a Froebelian approach to early education is all about.

Have you had a moment of joy in nature that you could share with us?

If you’ve always wanted to know more about a Froebelian approach to early education – and how you might set out to develop practice in your school or setting – then the Froebel Trust podcast is for you!


You can listen to our very own Sally Cave sharing her experience as a Froebelian nursery school leader, in the Froebel Trust podcast (episodes 1-3) here.

Click below to learn how our work at Guildford Nursery School and Family Centre is guided and influenced by Froebel’s principles.