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Observing through a Froebelian Lens
Guest blog: Read what former Head of Pre-Prep , Amanda Burton Smith, has to say about observing children in their play at Feltonfleet School with Froebelian principles in mind.

Inclusion, Family and Community
In January, I went to visit Guildford Nursery School and Family Centre (GNSFC) and whilst there, I spent some time in the Willow room – an area to support children who have additional needs. Whilst there, I was invited to observe a ‘SENsory play’ session in the family centre, seeing how the family centre operated and worked in connection with the Nursery. I also observed how the educators embrace and celebrate children’s cultures through everyday practice.

Pretend play
During my time on both sites at Guildford Nursery School in the Spring term, I noticed much more play amongst the children. They demonstrated a sense of being settled in and comfortable in their environment compared to when I observed in Autumn. The children’s interactions with the environment and their peers felt deeper and they were comfortable bringing a sense of themselves to the settings.

Block play
The Blocks and Block area is a staple in many nurseries and settings, it’s an area that provides a myriad of learning opportunities for children and a space to observe children’s ideas come to life. At Guildford Nursery School (GNS) there is a large space dedicated to the blocks to provide children the space and time to explore and build with them.

Guildford Nursery School (GNS) is a Froebelian inspired setting, and takes on the Froebelian principles and approach in practice. This includes developing Froebelian Occupations and the meaning behind these open-ended educational activities that deepen children’s experience of the world.

Disagreements and conflict
As with all 2- and 3-year olds, conflicts and disagreements happen. How educators and those who spend time with children resolve these conflicts and disagreements can help shape children’s confidence, understanding of fairness, and meet children’s feeling of justice within the classroom context.

At Guildford Nursery School (GNS) there is an underpinning of values reflecting sustainability and care for the environment which is seen through their food and herb growing spaces in the garden as well as the choices they are making with resources.

During her visit to Guildford Nursery School (GNS), Froebelian expert Rachna Joshi, was given the time to sit and observe the children and the educators in the setting. Various themes arose from her observations, but what she found was that she kept noticing children engaging in schematic play.

Visiting Guildford Nursery School and Family Centre (GNSFC) in September, Froebelian expert Rachna Joshi, was inspired by the practice, physical space as well as many of the routines and transitions that were already so embedded early in the year.