A Froebelian practice guidance paper:
Four research lenses for Froebelian practice
This guidance paper foregrounds the transformations evidenced across three years of study and focuses on Engaging with Nature, Occupations and Play. Ever more commonplace, within early childhood practice, is a focus on measurable outcomes and performativity; through this practice guidance we foreground the breadth of transformations experienced by children, their families, educators and researchers within The Froebel Partnership. Friedrich Froebel (1782-1851) was a pioneer whose educational principles (see Tovey, 2020) sought transformation through a unified and connected early educational experience. These practice guidance notes give a specifically Froebelian lens through which consider the breadth of transformations in practice and to support educators in valuing all aspects of development within the setting, including their own.
“I wanted to educate people to be free, to think, to take action for themselves.” Froebel in Lilley, 1967: 41).
“To learn a thing in life and through doing is much more developing, cultivating and strengthening than to lean it merely through the verbal communication of ideas.” (Froebel, 1885: 2).

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