What Friedrich Froebel means for your child

Are you wondering what Friedrich Froebel means for your child?

Last weekend I spent time with my lovely brother-in-law and his family.   We talked about Froebel and why we have chosen to use his principles to guide our work.  My brother-in-law asked me what this means for children in our nursery school, how it might be different to being in another educational setting.  So here goes!

At Guildford Nursery School, children are able to spend as much time as they like outside and they choose whether they spend time indoors or outdoors.

Experiences such as gardening, cooking, woodwork, sewing, climbing trees, lighting a fire, using clay are all features of our curriculum.

Children are given autonomy to make choices with adults present to guide them when necessary.

We accept each child exactly as they are and build on their strengths, providing the right support at the right time.

The resources offered for children provide them with opportunities to really think and use their imagination, are often reusable and recycled, and are always beautifully presented.

Children are given plenty of time and space to play and communicate.

Staff look for the good intentions behind every child’s actions.

Adults observe each child carefully so that they can respond to their interests.  They teach the skills and knowledge that the children need.

Relationships between staff and children are always warm and respectful; together they share in the joy and delight that is discovery and learning.

Froebel wanted to “educate people to be free, to think, to take action for themselves.”  I would love every child everywhere to be educated so that they too can have the freedom to make choices; to think creatively and critically; and to be able to make their dreams a reality.  Froebel knew that you are never too young or too old to start.

If you would like to know more, please see:

Shaping-our-future (Guildford Nursery School and Family Centre or: Shaping-our-future (The Froebel Partnership)

Written by Sally Cave, Headteacher, Guildford Nursery School and Family Centre

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